What Happens During a Remote Healing?

All healings, whether in-person or remote, take place in the spirit realm. The person receiving the remote healing can go about their normal activities, lay quietly or sleep. Sometimes, especially when a person lays quietly, he or she will have memories, visions or inspirations flash through their mind that offer additional insights to their healing, so it’s recommended that the person receiving the healing pay attention to their thoughts. (These insights are an added bonus, but not necessary for the healing to take place.)

Once the remote healing is done, Shaman Elizabeth will send an email with the details of the healing. Afterward, the person can email Shaman Elizabeth with questions or schedule a free phone call. If the person has additional questions later, they are free to ask — regardless of whether it’s been weeks or months since the healing. 

There is nothing special that needs to be done after a healing, but keep in mind that a person may be more emotional than normal, especially after a soul retrieval which can bring old memories to the surface. If this happens, it would be beneficial for the person to offer these memories to the Divine energy, asking for these memories to be healed.

If you are ordering a healing for someone who is unable to give their consent (i.e. in a coma, has severe mental illness, or is too young, etc.), then Shaman Elizabeth will ask for consent in the spirit realm. Keep in mind, the person may say “no” and that is their right. It is recommended that you ask permission before booking a session for someone else because the healing is much more likely to take effect. However, it can be tricky to tell someone they need a healing, especially if they don’t believe they are sick. In these instances, pray for guidance and then follow your heart.