What is Shamanic Journeying?


Shamanism is the oldest known spiritual practice in the world and is still practiced by indigenous people on every continent today. While there are many different rituals, one commonality is that the shaman acts as a catalyst between this world and the spirit world.

Shaman Elizabeth Herrera has personally found the practice of shamanism to be life changing. The connection to the Divine power has opened her mind to the wonders of the unseen world, which affects every aspect of our lives and even the entire universe. Through shamanism, she has learned that we are all connected—the earth, sky, nature, animals, winged and sea creatures, and mankind—singing one song of unending love.

  • During a shamanic journey, a shaman will use a visionary process to travel to the spirit realm to request healings, receive divine messages, help guide lost souls home (psychopomp), and commune with nature and the universe.
  • In the spirit realm, a shaman interacts with spirit guides, ancestors, spirits of people from this world, angels, and enlightened beings.
  • Power animals act as protectors and guides for the shaman. They can be a part of a shaman’s journeys for many lifetimes or brief periods during which their archetype power is needed.
  • The spirit realm has three “worlds”: the lower, middle, and upper. None of the realms are better than the others; they simply offer different experiences that are appropriate for different circumstances.